Everybody knows that kitchen organization is keen for creating great recipes. However, that is easier being said than done. Specially, when you have tons of random spices in little bags and unmarked containers with mystery  ingredients in them. As a spring cleaning project, I decided to take on the challenge of organizing my spice cabinet and here are the results.  I got the magnetic spice organizer from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Magnetic 12-Jar Spice Rack with Easel for $40. I found that it was  very useful and a pretty nifty way to organize my spices. Here is the mess before…

Get prepared for the worst… I’m kind of embarrassed to show this picture, but bare with me.  Here go… OUCH!!!

I found it was very handy to strore my spices.  Also, my husband mount it in the wall, which freed up some precious counter space in my ubber tiny 50 square feet kitchen. But now, this is my new spice rack..Ta-dah!